How Courts Determine Child Support in Joint Custody Arrangements
August 11, 2022
Child support payments typically provide a smoother adjustment to changes in family structure, continuity, and…
Keep Your Estate Plan Up to Date to Avoid These Mistakes
August 9, 2022
Estate planning is often viewed as a once-off task that can be filed away once…
A Guide to Living Wills
August 2, 2022
When you die, your assets and property are not distributed according to your living will. Instead,…
A Guide to Different Types of Trusts
July 26, 2022
Almost everyone has heard of trusts, typically in reference to someone or something who is…
Is Your Power of Attorney Effective?
July 19, 2022
You can appoint a trusted individual to make decisions or conduct transactions on your behalf…
Changing Family Law
July 14, 2022
There have been dramatic changes in family structures for the past fifty years. Social and…
A Guide to Probate
July 12, 2022
ABA describes probate as the legal process by which a will is given formal recognition…
Seniors, Let an Elder Law Attorney Help You
July 5, 2022
The elder law area encompasses a wide range of legal matters that affect older people…