Who Does a Probate Attorney Represent: Executor or Heirs?
Many executors don't understand the probate process and leave the tasks to the lawyer. While the executor has a fiduciary duty to protect the heirs' interests, does the lawyer? It depends on your state.
Are You a Family Caregiver? New Bill Seeks to Lower Costs
Recently proposed legislation seeks to offer financial relief for unpaid family caregivers. The Lowering Costs for Caregivers Act of 2023 is the result of a bipartisan effort to lessen the costs of family caregiving.
Most US Workers Say They Will File for Social Security Early
To secure the maximum amount in monthly Social Security retirement benefits, Americans must wait until full retirement age to start receiving their payouts. Results from a 2023 survey show that most of today's workers know about this stipulation - and yet the vast majority say they’re willing to file for their Social Security benefits early anyway.
Medicare Benefits 2024: 5 Positive Changes for Seniors
Although 2024 Medicare premiums are seeing an increase, there are nevertheless a few bright spots. Starting on January 1, 2024, Medicare enrollees may be pleased to hear about several positive changes taking place.
Pay Monthly for Medicare Part D Prescriptions Come 2025
Under a new Medicare Prescription Payment Plan starting in 2025, all Medicare prescription drug plans, including Medicare Advantage plans, will offer enrollees the option to spread out their prescription drug out-of-pocket costs over 12 months.
How to Tell If Your Spouse Is Planning a Divorce
Your spouse might be laying the groundwork for divorce by displaying certain behaviors and actions.…
Divorce and Decision Making
Divorce is a major life change that can significantly impact your decision-making abilities. The emotional…
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts
An estate plan's goal is to find strategies that combine asset preservation, tax advantages, and…