Probate Process: A General Timeline
In general, the probate process moves quickly if the estate has minimal assets and little debt. Larger estates can take anywhere from nine months to a few years, especially with problematic family dynamics.
High School Graduation: A Good Time for Financial Planning
Nearly one-third of young adults don't have a budget, which creates a huge stumbling block for financial success. Give your children the tools they need to control their money instead of wondering where it went.
What You Should Know About Long-Term Care
Elder law attorneys understand the challenges of planning long-term care amidst the shifting care environment. Evaluating costs and developing strategies to pay for long-term care before you actually need it is crucial.
Does Medicare Cover Prescription Weight Loss Drugs?
Americans have a growing appetite for prescription drugs such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro. Originally developed to treat Type 2 diabetes, they are now exploding in popularity as a weight loss treatment.
Elder Financial Abuse: How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help
Sadly, there are seemingly limitless financial fraud schemes that affect older Americans. The impact of financial abuse is enormous.
Claiming the Guardianship of an Elderly Parent
If your parent did not prepare for incapacity and name a person to act as their power of attorney, you won’t be able to create a legal document after they are mentally impaired. You will need to claim guardianship.
Nursing Homes Must Have Minimum Number of Staff, Say Feds
In April 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a new rule seeking to combat understaffing in long-term care facilities. The new mandate has its share of controversy.
Senators Propose Boosting Seniors’ Social Security Benefits
In late March 2024, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) introduced the Boosting Benefits and COLAs for Seniors Act. The Act centers on changing the formula that the SSA uses to calculate Social Security benefits for older adults.