Seniors and Caregivers: Establish an Emergency Action Plan
Thinking and adapting are hard when stressed, so disaster experts emphasize the importance of planning for things like illness, trauma, and natural disaster. Prepare yourself and your loved ones before an emergency.
Adult Guardianship: When Is Someone Legally Incompetent?
If a loved one is experiencing memory loss or suddenly making poor decisions, you may want the court to appoint a guardian, which requires a declaration of incompetence.
11 Questions to Ask an Elder Law Attorney
Elder law encompasses a wide range of legal matters that affect older individuals. Attorneys who practice elder law advocate for seniors and execute legal plans to assist them in living better lives.
Medicaid Spend Down: Pay for More Than Just Medical Bills
To qualify for Medicaid, you must have limited income and assets (in most states, no more than $2,000 in your name). If you have more than that, you may find yourself having to "spend down" your extra assets to meet the $2,000 limit.
Which States Have the Best Protections Against Elder Abuse?
Each year, 10 percent of older adults experience some form of abuse. In addition to physical harm, elder abuse can also encompass financial exploitation, neglect, and emotional abuse. WalletHub has evaluated elder abuse protections in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Retirees: Deduct Your Long-Term Care Insurance Premium
Even if you have a long-term care insurance policy, you may likely be hoping that you won't ever have reason to use it. Regardless of what the future holds, there's one silver lining of which you may not be aware. That is, premiums on many long-term care insurance policies are in fact tax-deductible.
Getting Help When Providing Care at Home for Aging Parents
As they grow older, your parents may prefer to continue living in their home rather than moving to a long-term care facility. They are not alone in this; more than three-quarters of adults over the age of 50 say they would prefer to age in place.
2023 AARP Report Recommends Supports for Family Caregivers
A new AARP analysis gives a glimpse into the experiences of family caregivers and offers recommendations on policies and practices that policymakers should enact in support of caregivers nationwide.